Tim Sheehan

Historian, Writer

Flight or Fight

Chapter 2

Knowing she has some kind of head wound, she decides to jump into the river feet first. The rocky ledge is higher than she expected. While airborne, she thinks the black dark river would be deep. However, as soon as she hits the water, she finds the river edge to be shallow. The heels of her boots hit the rocky bottom, causing her to fall ass-backwards. Fortunately, her head doesn’t hit the rocks. The slope of the river floor directs her submerged body towards the deeper water in the middle. She knows they’re looking for her to resurface. She decides to let the current carry her.

She needs air. She flaps her arms pushing down towards the river’s bottom, hoping to rise up to air but she doesn’t want to expose any part of her body that isn’t necessary. Her head is raised to what she guesses is the surface. Her eyes are open and she thinks she sees ripples. The water-air barrier is broken first by her nose. She raises her chin so her mouth is in the air. Breathe! She breathes in and out several times, then submerges herself, trusting the river’s current to take her to safety.

Are they looking for her? She doesn’t know. She feels she can’t risk checking. No one is shooting at her so that’s a good sign. Trust the river.

As she occasionally and carefully bobs for air, she gets a taste of the river’s flavor. She’s been in the Mohawk River a few times. She always found the Mohawk to have a metallic taste with a slight smell of gasoline, most likely due to the Erie Canal boat traffic. This river she’s in isn’t pristine, but it doesn’t reek of industrial pollution. However, it does smell like poop, cow manure to be exact. So she thinks she’s still in New York State, somewhere where there’s a lot of farmland, which is a good chunk of Upstate New York.

As she’s cruising downriver, images pop into her mind.





She decides to keep her head above water to see what’s happening. Just as she finishes wiping water from her eyes, she sees the river in front of her disappearing at a diagonal line. She hears what sounds like a waterfall with water loudly hitting the fall’s bottom. Her outreached hands bump into a slimy wall with the rest of her body below water crushing her hands. Thud!

©2021 Tim Sheehan