Tim Sheehan

Historian, Writer

Old-Time Rock ‘n’ Roll: How The 1980s Embraced 1950s and 1960s Oldies Music

Oldies Acts Impacted 1980s Music

Remaining relevant poses a challenge to many musicians. To the pioneers of rock ‘n’ roll trying to keep rocking during the 1980s, age could be a hindrance. How can those in their forties and fifties appeal to teens and young adults? Some used sex appeal, be it their own bodies or other people’s bodies. Many oldies acts adapted to change in sound, becoming more electro than their previous hits or tried a different genre. Joining forces with popular acts of the eighties helped. Yet, to appeal to their baby boomer fans seeking to relive their youth, acts retained elements that made them popular, be it the same voice, and/or sound.

©2021 Tim Sheehan